Louisiana Green Fuels Fund Updates > Sumitomo Agrees to Help Fund LGF

Sumitomo Corporation of America to Invest in the Louisiana Green Fuels Project

Sumitomo Corporation of America (“SCOA”), a subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation, a leading Fortune Global 500 trading and business investment company dedicated to sustainability, has entered into a Joint Development Agreement for the Louisiana Green Fuels (“LGF”) project with Strategic Biofuels (“SBf”), the developer behind LGF. 

LGF, which will be built in Caldwell Parish in Louisiana, will be an approximately $2.95 billion state-of-the-art facility that will convert waste material from managed local sustainable lumber forests into sustainable aviation fuel and synthetic renewable naphtha. The facility will also incorporate technologies that will enable it to capture and permanently sequester virtually all carbon emissions released during the process, and so will play a key role in helping the aviation sector achieve its carbon neutrality goals in the decades ahead. 


Ballast Rock and its investors provided the majority of the funding to date for the project, which has enabled the SBf team to advance the project to the stage where it was ready for this institutional investment from SCOA. We are proud to have supported this vital project from a very early stage, as well as working with the company and their other advisors to help secure the institutional funding required to advance the final pre-development stage of the project. 

Have more questions?

If you would like to learn more about the Louisiana Green Fuels project click below or email us at IR@ballastrock.com