Louisiana Green Fuels Fund Updates > LGF Feedstock Presentation

Paul Schubert, CEO of Strategic Biofuels Presentation on LGF

Dr Paul Schubert, CEO of Strategic Biofuels, the developer of the Louisiana Green Fuels project, was recently asked to give a presentation at the Fastmarkets’ Biofuels and Feedstocks 2022 Conference in Chicago.

Please click here to access the deck. In addition, Paul recorded a video of his presentation.

This 15 minute video provides a high-level overview of the project and the progress the LGF team have made to date. It also makes it clear why using the waste residuals from sustainably managed local forests as its feedstock, is just one of many significant differentiators for the project.

One of the most common feedstocks being considered for renewable fuels projects is Soybean Oil. As you can see above, the cost to refine Soybean Oil is 12 times what it costs to refine forestry waste. More importantly, the carbon footprint of the renewable fuels from Soybean Oil is significantly higher than the renewable fuels that will be produced at LGF. Finally, it is important to note that growing soybeans take up land that could otherwise be used for alternative crops. Forest residuals are a byproduct of the lumber industry – a true waste product.

Have more questions?

If you would like to learn more about the Louisiana Green Fuels project click below or email us at IR@ballastrock.com